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© Ted Cohen. All Rights Reserved.




TED COHEN   With over 15 years at the helm of production and innovation, I bring a dynamic approach to conceptualizing, planning, and managing diverse interactive projects. My passion lies in delivering exceptional digital experiences while exceeding client expectations and substantially increasing ROI.

My proficiency spans creative project administration, client relationship management, and leading cross-functional teams to success. My expertise extends to digital strategy, UX design, copywriting, and multimedia production, consistently driving client satisfaction and business growth across platforms from e-commerce to mobile applications.


I thrive in strategic planning, realistic budgeting, ensuring resources are allocated efficiently, and bringing projects in on-time and on-budget. As a graduate of NYU Film School, and a veteran of Madison Avenue advertising, I am well versed in the development and production of all forms of film, video, or audio production.


Whether in corporate or freelance environments, I've delivered award-winning projects for industry giants like AT&T, Overstock, MTV, and Nu Skin, including highly successful contest-driven viral marketing campaigns.

Areas of Expertise:


• Interactive Media Production

• Creative Project Administration

• Filmmaking & Video Production

• Spot TV & Radio Production

• Award-Winning Content Creation

• Strategic Planning & Execution

• E-commerce Platform Development

• Web & Mobile Application Development

• Branding, Digital Strategy & Innovation

• User Experience (UX) Design

• Team Management & Leadership

• Cross-Functional Collaboration

• Budgeting & Resource Allocation

• Marketing Campaign Development

• Copywriting

• Music Composition

Through full-time positions and consulting engagements, industries and categories have included Advertising, Beverage & Spirits, Broadcasting, Computer, E-Commerce, Financial, Home Goods, Interactive, Insurance, Live Events, Medical, Museum Exhibits, Network marketing, Power & Industry, Public Service, Sports, Telecom, and Theme Parks.


On the following pages, I note some of the companies and organizations whom I’ve been privileged to advise over the years. I’d love to add your name to the list. As you’ll see, you would be in excellent company.

© Ted Cohen. All Rights Reserved.



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Curated Shopping Aggregator

The mobile phone was supposed to give us more time by making us more efficient. Iron­i­cal­ly, mobile has done the opposite: We spend way too much time on it searching for things we want. What should be ac­com­plished in minutes can sometimes take an hour, or hours. There’s just too much noise, too much clutter, too many choices, nothing per­son­al­ized for each shopper, and cutting through all that to find the things one wants takes way too much time. The forth­coming Peng­git app was created to give us back time, because Penggit will help one find the things they want, when they want them, and all in one place. Just as Kayak aggregated the travel industry online, Penggit will ag­gregate and curate online shopping. Penggit will filter out the noise, so everything one shops for will be in one place, and per­son­al­ized for each shop­per. From a highly curated list of the top shop­ping sites, Penggit will de­liver quick access to per­son­alized product re­sults, cou­pons, deals, and cash-back offers for one to shop, or share with their friends—or search to see what others are buying. Think of Penggit as the “Kayak” of shopping!



© Ted Cohen. All Rights Reserved.



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